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Old September 14, 2007, 12:51 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 35
Posts: 5,252
Whenever Mark Ayres touches a Doctor Who theme, he removes any "punch" that the theme contained in its original form. On both the Derbyshire and Howell themes, the theme comes out sounding considerably more distant and "watered down" than the original versions, so it's probably fair to expect he'll do the same to yours. Listen to the clip again... it does original Derbyshire, then MArk's remastered Derbyshire, then original Howell, then MArk's remastered Howell. In both cases you'll be able to hear that the basslines especially lack the sharpness and clarity that the original recordings had. He's also upped the bass frequencies too high on both themes. Also, for the Howell theme, for a reason I can't even begin to fathom, he seems to have randomly selected bits and pieces to add chorus effects to... go figure! Anyway, 5.1 remastering may sound nice on the surface, but I think I'd do a better job keeping loyal to the original themes than MArk would. Too bad the only way to get the original Derbyshire and Howell multitracks off him is to pry them from his cold dead fingers...