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Old February 19, 2008, 5:34 PM
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Jamie Minty (Offline)
Why?? So?? Serious??
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Age: 31
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Originally Posted by Chris Britton View Post
For once, in gaming terms you are right. I actually had more fun on Rising Sun playing alongside my dad and blasting the Japs. The problem? They did not including every ****ing level! Which was a kick in the nuts with a metal shoe! That was about the most fun I had on it, and even then it was still fustraiting and saddening.

Crysis looks beautful graphics wise. It however is disappointing as underneath all the processor killing graphics it's just a disappointing run of the mill FPS with some War of the Worlds and Thief thrown in.

Heros 2 is nothing special, and it;s just EA wronging mroe money from the dried up sponge that is MoH

CoD: BRO was a cracking game. It had good looks, a good story, excellent characters, wonderful AI which did not run in front of you, beautful levels, instense action, it showed us how grim and gritty war was and it knew how to let you relax before suddenly blowing you away by plunging you itno the action. The last mission was by far the best! What pissed me off was how short it was! Even on easy mode! They simply stopped the game at it's best part and then left my feeling like I did on Halo 2, which was running into a concrete wall which then kicked you in the balls. It needed to be longer, much much longer. I would love to see a war game which lets you cross the Rhine.

The Big Red One is real, go look it up because they do exist. CoD actually sticks with keeping the game as accurate as possible.

I think we can agree 100%.

I never knew Rising Sun co-op wasn't the whole thing. My dad can't do FPS he just walks around aiming at the ground .

Heroes 2 is a nice step forward for the WII!!!

The Big Red One sound interesting.

The game took me a while as i played slowly through the levels. I might get it out again. Has there been a game where you play the D-Day landings???

I'd like to see Pearl Harbour in HD!
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