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Old May 11, 2008, 4:35 PM
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Kody (Offline)
Join Date: February 2008
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 401
Going to give it a "Fantastic!" in the end, after mulling over the episode. Need to go back and watch it again now..

The way Jenny was "born" seemed a bit abrupt, but in the end I auctually like that about it. Georgia seems to be a great actress following in her fathers footsteps, really enjoyed her preformance.

I absolutely LOVED the moments where Tennant went 'dark' so to say, or well.. not dark, but very serious discussing his past again and even how he was a father. (Take that, you moronic fans that insist he's never had a relationship or children. *mutter*)

Or how he did the sarcastic laugh when Jenny tried to compare their little war to the time war. Once again, great acting from Tennant.

I was admittedly pissed when she got shot, because ANYone could see that coming from the moment the father and daughter started to get along.

Watching the doctor have to hold someone, dying, again.. was very, well, sad.

"Maybe if we just wait.." - Heartbreaking.

But then watching him, even after his daughter just died, yell at the troops and tell them he'd never kill, even Cobb after what he just did, made me smile in a way. That's the Doctor as he should be.

I didn't expect Jenny to survive, that honestly caused me to pull a mix of a double take and dash of mouth gaping.

My theory is that considering it had been less than 15 hours since her 'birth', she was still in that phase the Doctor was in, in the christmas invasion? When they're full of energy and can regenerate body parts?

Considering she does have two hearts, she'd just have to grow another.. explains why she didn't fully regenerate, even if she has that option. It does open up many questions though, how much of a Time Lord, er, Lady, is she really?

Anyway, rambling now.

Can't explain why, but I do love the Hath as a alien. Martha's interaction with them was awesome, really sad to see the one die.. but he did save her.

The "bad" in my eyes was a bit of overused music, story was slightly predictable at points, but otherwise very good.. the story surprised me more than I thought it could, hence another point towards the high raiting.

Can't wait to see where this leads.

No rose this week, or preludes to the finaly.. well, SHE probably is I guess.
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

"What's the point in being grown up, if you can't be childish sometimes?" - The Fourth Doctor