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Old June 21, 2008, 5:13 PM
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MI7 (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Cassiuskitt View Post
Ah but it is all to easy to pick at other peoples posts and criticise isn't it.
Of course it is, but then you end up making errors. Like:

Originally Posted by Cassiuskitt View Post
Yes totally agree thank god we agree on something.
If you honestly believe that what I said is true rather than sarcasm then you are completely ignorant. Take the opposite of what I said, and that is true. The only one that could possibly be taken literally is ignoring the fanbase. And that's done for good reason. A fan wrote Attack of the Cybermen. A 'fan' wrote Blink, Silence in the Library, Time Crash etc. Go figure.

Originally Posted by Cassiuskitt View Post
His name may not have been on it but that dose'nt me he did not have a very large hand in writing it.
Since when? Surely the script editor Simon Winstone, is more at fault than RTD?! And if you are going to be so quick to be petty then surely we can then say RTD is responsible for The Empty Child, The Shakespeare Code, Blink, The Sontaran Strategem, 42, Dalek, The Fires of Pompeii, The Family of Blood etc etc etc.
To give a literal example. In series three RTD was ill for several weeks and played no part in production or writing. The episodes that were written in these several weeks were Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks.

Originally Posted by Cassiuskitt View Post
Which was a such large chunk of his 7 years he had the job for then.
Yes, actually. About half the episodes in which he played the Doctor are listed there.

Originally Posted by Cassiuskitt View Post
Had I realised I was supposed to vote 9 I would have obviously done so but I foolishly belived that the word vote meant I had a choice?
Of course. But if you look at the results in reviews and on fansites you'll see you're in the small (and, as usual, very very vocal ) minority on this one.

Originally Posted by Cassiuskitt View Post
Yes it did indeed revolve around speech but have you tried reading the subtitles?
I am partially deaf and so rely on the subtitles some what to get an idea of what the hell is going on, from my point of view it was a poor episode but on this forum I am obviously in a minority of 1 (although everyone else I have spoken to agreed with me).
I can understand that it may be difficult for deaf people, however this was the episode that "utilised sound in a completely unique way for Doctor Who" . I personally am half blind and miss a lot of the visual subtleties but I don't let it get in the way of my enjoyment of the bigger, spectacle episodes.
And yet everyone I have spoken to, be it in real life or on the internet, has agreed with me that it was excellent. Even one of my friends, who vehemently hates RTD, the new series, and the old series, said it was a fantastic bit of television. Which really gets us nowhere.

I really don't mind if you disliked it, but I feel that if you did, you're really missing out on something good. I was the same with Silence in the Library.