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Old June 29, 2008, 9:25 PM
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Megan (Offline)
When I say run, run.
Join Date: June 2008
Location: NYC
Posts: 38
Going into this and expecting something worse than Turn Left, I have to say I was somewhat surprised. There were parts that were excruciatingly bad, parts that were awesomely bad, parts that were decent, and parts that were somewhat awesome.

Excruciatingly bad:
-LOTTL "let's all call the Doctor at the same time and then he'll magically hear us" bullshit. Maybe that works for calling his name but if everyone at once calls his phone I think the whole world would just get an obnoxious busy signal.
-Rose and especially her whininess. So Wilf doesn't have a webcam because it's too naughty. Deal with it. No one wants to hear you bitch about how Martha gets to talk to Harriet and the Doctor and you don't. STFU.
-Ummm...bees are returning to their home planet, we can follow the path of bees back to Earth. Ummm...what?
-EXTERMINATE! X infinity + 1

Awesomely bad:
-Flying Daleks WHEEEEE!!!!!
-CGI = win, apparently.
-"I FLEWWWWW...etc."
-The Doctor dissing Davros. BYE!
-Murray's WILD WEST score. WTF WAS THAT?!!
-Wilf + paintball gun = hilarious.

-Well the acting was pretty good, as usual.
-Although the cross-overs were a bit awkward, it worked and they got their point across. It's always nice to see Sarah Jane and Torchwood.

-Agrees with Ronnie: cutting off the dramatic running towards each other reunion with something horribly tragic.

I'm probably missing some things but I think that's sufficient for now. I didn't know how to categorize this, but I'm pretty disturbed by the cliffhanger. I assume, due to the precise moment at which it ended there will probably be some sort of reset button moment in the next episode. After all, the whole point of it being a cliffhanger is because it's shocking. However, if he does actually die and regenerate into someone else then it would make more sense for RTD to show the new Doctor at the end of this episode and not at the beginning of the next one. I figure that we were left with him about to regenerate so we can have a shock now and a shock at the beginning of the next episode when he's magically OK. At least, that's what I've rationalized myself into believing so I don't freak out. No more David Tennant? That would just make me cry.