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Old July 7, 2008, 1:51 PM
Ross Hendrie (Offline)
Now let's have some fun!
Join Date: June 2004
Location: Scotland
Age: 33
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Was generally alright (forgive my vote I found it somewhat better first time round), but there were a lot of things that annoyed me and rather spoiled the arc for me.

- Torchwood: was there really a point in them being in this arc at all? Given the part they played in this episode, not really.
- Mickey: Apart from Torchwood continuity's sake, did he really need to be here?
- Jackie... need I say more.
- Osterhagen Key: Apart from playing a part in the last point... did it really need to be dreamed up? I would find it worrying that UNIT's most secret and ultimate weapon is a planetwide suicide button...
- The regeneration thing... why did they have to have a regeneration if they're not going to have a new Doctor? On top of that, the two Doctors thing wasn't explained well.
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