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Old December 27, 2008, 9:34 AM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
As far as RTD, and especially Christmas RTD, episodes go, it was one of the better ones. Just remember how the last series ended.
Oh, no, I absolutely agree with you. However "better than some of the shit we've been stuck with" doesn't mean I should be hailing it as brilliant. It was still shit, just slightly less shit than some of what we've gotten before.

Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
This one actually had some substance in that whole 'next doctor' thing. The Cybermen part was clearly just for the entertainment of the kiddies watching on Christmas.
Exactly my point. I hate Christmas specials for exactly that reason -- too much of it is simply thrown in for a laugh or thrown in to make the kiddies go "ooh," and then that shit becomes an indelible part of canon.

Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
But there's probably no point discussing this with you, anyway. You decided you hated it before you even watched it.
Bullshit, although this is why I've stopped discussing my opinions. No one listens to them anymore and no one believes I even take the episodes seriously enough to rate them. People think I just come, go, rate badly, then go "Next!" That's bullshit. I give every episode a chance. I don't expect it to be good, because look at RTD's track record, but I do go into them hoping they won't be absolutely godawful. The problem is, even his better ones are still pretty shitty, and generally not Doctor Who. I respected this one enough to give it a 3/10. Turn Left, Journey's End, etc. all got negative ratings because I hated them so much. This was a definite and significant step higher than those.

But I watched this with my mom, brother, and best friend, and when that fucking Cyberking rose up out of the water, everyone in the room burst out laughing. My mom almost fell out of her chair at how fucking pathetic the goddamn thing was. (And obviously I'm not talking about the CG, which wasn't bad. I'm talking about the very idea of a GIANT FUCKING CYBERKING ROBOT WALKING ABOUT FIRING ITS LASER AND MISSILES. WHAT THE FUCK.) I don't know how the fuck you expect me to rate an episode with that abomination in it higher than a 3/10. My brother and my best friend both thought that I was being too generous with a 3, and thought it deserved RTD's usual 1 or 2 rating, but I stuck by it anyway.

So you all can go eat up whatever RTD spoon feeds you, while I tear down his episodes for the abominable trash that they are. I genuinely don't know how the people I associate with, who are supposed to be good friends and intellectual equals, can enjoy this garbage. I really don't. It makes me wonder about my choice in friends sometimes.

But the bottom line is that I do go into these episodes with an open mind, and I rate based on what I see, not based on any preconceptions I have of RTD. There are still RTD episodes that I would rate highly (even 8/10 or higher), so your little belief that I'm on some sort of stupid vindictive crusade against everything the man writes automatically is completely unfounded and frankly pisses me off.

As I said above, this is exactly why I don't bother to articulate my opinions anymore -- because I know no one shares them, and everyone just assumes I'm just bashing RTD automatically because that's what I do, not because I genuinely hate the bullshit he puts out and calls episodes.

Last edited by Danny Stewart; December 27, 2008 at 9:41 AM