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Old July 10, 2010, 5:52 PM
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Kody (Offline)
Join Date: February 2008
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 401
Loved it.

The ending was simply brilliant and in my eyes, so 'The Doctor'. Bringing someone a moment of happiness, not because it'll change their future, but because it'll bring them a moment of incomparable happiness. The little speech about the good and bad moments.. the reaction Van Gogh has in the art exhibit.. priceless.

I'll agree with RV that Van Gogh was played and written tastefully, it was the best 'new who' episode involving a historical character yet in my eyes. I can see this trend continuing.

As for the argument about quantifying art.. eh, I'll leave that discussion to other people more qualified in the field of art. I -loved- the story and the emotion in it, it felt like real Doctor Who.. and that made my day.
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

"What's the point in being grown up, if you can't be childish sometimes?" - The Fourth Doctor
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