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Old June 18, 2010, 11:25 PM
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Beta Link (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2010
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Age: 30
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Speaking of how they should probably do away with the "Next Time" trailers, did anyone else see this?

Oh yeah, I should probably say what I thought about this episode, to keep on-topic, huh? Well, I enjoyed it. Seems they were trying to make a sort of comic relief episode, and I think they succeeded as far as that goes. I'd say more, but I'd just be repeating what others have said already.

Oh, by the way, I must have been half-asleep, or just not paying attention; did they ever reveal who tried to build that TARDIS? I mean, that's a pretty damn big deal, isn't it? What race other than the Time Lords (and the Daleks) even came close to having that kind of technology?


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