Thread: Audio dramas
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Old May 26, 2008, 5:17 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 35
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Audio dramas

Hey Dom,

A bunch of us here on the forums are starting to get together and form ideas for making (hopefully a series of) Doctor Who audio dramas, and we were wondering about some things...

First of all, would you be willing to grant us permission to make use of your "inside the TARDIS" story idea that you posted here a little while ago? We're very interested in possibly turning that into an audio drama at some point. It probably wouldn't be our premiere episode, but it's still something that we'd like to do later down the line.

Second of all, if we were to make an episode out of that, would you consider doing us the honor of scoring it? I imagine you're far too busy to be able to score stuff for us on a regular basis, but it would be an absolute dream if you could score the one we do that's based off of your own idea. We can even consult with you on the script if you'd like to be involved.

We'll wait until we've completed a few episodes first, and then share them with you so you can make sure they're serious and pro enough for you to get involved with, and of course you don't have to feel obligated to commit to anything right now. But it would be wonderful if you'd keep it in mind for us! We'd all be tremendously excited to have you on board!

Let me know your thoughts on this, and speak soon.

Take care,
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