DannyStewart.com Forums

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Unregistered, You must accept the Forum Rules below to be able to use some forum functions.
Forum Rules
General Rules
  1. Mind your posts. Please be mindful of what you say. Don't post anything that could be construed as objectionable, and avoid excessive profanity.
  2. No spamming. Absolutely no posting for the sake of posting. Don't make incoherent, useless posts all over the place just because you can.
  3. No double posting. The Edit button is there for a reason. If you have something to add, add it to your original post.
  4. Stay on topic. A good post should be kept concise and to the point, and should always contribute something valuable to the thread it's posted in.
  5. Spoiler content. Please be mindful of where you post spoilers. Keep discussion about an episode inside the forum for that show, and use spoiler tags elsewhere.
  6. Spelling and grammar. We frown upon poor spelling and grammar here. Look up words you don't know, and always construct complete, coherent sentences with a capital letter at the start and a period at the end.
  7. No text talk. Absolutely no text talk or instant messenger shorthand. We never want to see "you" abbreviated as "u" or "hate" abbreviated as "h8." If what you're saying is worth hearing, it's worth writing out.
  8. No personal conversations. Threads can easily descend into meaningless chat rooms, and we don't want that. Take private conversations off the forums, or at least use the PM system.
  9. No personal attacks. Personal, malicious attacks on members will not be tolerated at all. This is a good way to get in trouble very quickly. But at the same time...
  10. Have thick skin. Just because somebody said something about you or something you've done doesn't mean it's a flame. Criticism is allowed to be harsh here and you will have to toughen up so as not to react badly. Being able to tolerate these people and being able to accept criticism is a vital skill in real life as well as on the internet. If you think you're being flamed, just report the post and leave the thread. You can rebut criticism, but don't try if you're enraged.
  11. Respect new members. We do not condone comments regarding the low expectations of new members and their behavior, or their reasons for being here. However, on the flip side...
  12. Being new is no excuse. The rules are posted clearly, and it is your job to know them and act accordingly. You will be given all reasonable opportunities to behave appropriately, but there are no second chances.
  13. Respect the staff and the chain of command. DannyStewart.com is owned and operated by Danny Stewart, who has absolute authority here as chief forum administrator. Josef Kenny, Recurring Villain, and Kody are co-administrators here and have similar overarching authority. The forum moderators act on the direct behalf of the administrators, and they have authority in all disputes and the responsibility to keep the forums running smoothly and efficiently. Publicly questioning the actions or motivations of any staff member is not welcome. If you have a problem with one of the moderators, please contact the chief administrator (Danny Stewart) privately. Do not attempt to take matters into your own hands.
  14. Have fun. We try to keep things orderly here, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a good time and enjoy yourself. It is what we're here for, after all.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Post early, post often. We regularly purge members who do not post. This is done to ensure that visitors to the site will be contributing members of the community. Please ensure that you remain active if you wish to keep your account!

Rules last updated on May 23, 2012
For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately!
 I have read, and agree to abide by the DannyStewart.com Forums rules.  

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