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Superkid11 March 8, 2008 9:29 PM

How do you think your friend's going to react when you tell her that? :P

Danny Stewart March 8, 2008 9:30 PM


Originally Posted by Superkid11 (Post 45164)
Please remember to tell your friend that before it gets out of hand.

Good point. We don't want anyone getting hurt from this.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 9:32 PM

I won't let it get out of hand. If I notice any change in my best friend I will explain everything to her. I don't want to hurt anyone

Superkid11 March 8, 2008 9:32 PM

I edited my post because I figured that... since she's your best friend and everything.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 9:36 PM

We practically spend every spare moment we have with each other. Every day we hang out for about an hour or so lol It is completely plutonic and I know how we interact so any change in her behavior will be completely noticeable. I plan to kill the experiment if there are any changes in her

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 9:45 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45168)
We practically spend every spare moment we have with each other. Every day we hang out for about an hour or so lol It is completely plutonic and I know how we interact so any change in her behavior will be completely noticeable. I plan to kill the experiment if there are any changes in her

You'll have to do it a few times to make sure that it's not just a coincidence.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 9:45 PM

Thats true, we will just have to see what happens.

Recurring Villain March 9, 2008 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45170)
Thats true, we will just have to see what happens.

You'll need to perform the experiment on at least three separate people and keep a diary on each of their reactions (without their knowledge of course). First of all, before you try the pheromones, use at least three days to take note of your three subjects normal reactions to you. These notes are important for comparison purposes. After the first three days, do the same thing with the pheromones and take notes of how they react. Do not act any differently in either group of three days, make sure both fit on the same three days of the week and do not tell your subjects anything until the time period is up.

And that is probably about as scientific as you can get without adding some extra participants and some placebos.

Daniel Gordon March 9, 2008 12:23 AM

Thanks for the tip RV, much appreciated.

Recurring Villain March 9, 2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45172)
Thanks for the tip RV, much appreciated.

For science!

Daniel Gordon March 9, 2008 8:08 AM

Hehe Science...what we do in the name of it...

Superkid11 March 9, 2008 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45174)
Hehe Science...what we do in the name of it...

(have you heard this song?)
We do what we must, because we can!

Josef Kenny March 9, 2008 12:10 PM

(oh shit not this again)
For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead

Superkid11 March 9, 2008 12:35 PM

But there's no since crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying til you run out of cake.

Josef Kenny March 9, 2008 12:58 PM

And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun

Superkid11 March 9, 2008 1:31 PM

for the people who are still alive!

Recurring Villain March 9, 2008 7:42 PM

Only one of you two actually played the game,

So until you play it, Superkid, it's just lame,

There's science to be done, but this thread is overrun, by a song that became a meme.

Chris Britton March 10, 2008 8:37 AM

If it works Daniel, I may have to try it on my missus. Shes quite the quite and withdrawn girl so perhaps it may help her come out of her shell.

Daniel Gordon March 10, 2008 3:08 PM

If this stuff works, it should help :P

Chris Britton March 12, 2008 6:56 AM

Please get back to us ASAP then. :)

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