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Ronnie Rowlands May 27, 2010 11:06 AM

he said *IF*. He was speculating.

Zeo May 27, 2010 1:07 PM


Originally Posted by Recurring Villain (Post 54175)
that's like saying "if RTD kept the Dalek's plungers you'd be fuming"

in conclusion, you are retarded

Ahh but I never said "kept" I said "did", as in they created the look themselves with plungers. So your retarded analogy fails. :P

Ben Dawson May 27, 2010 6:48 PM

Well, in my opinion, the idea is a very sci-fi one, and despite that Steven Moffat thinks of it more as a modern dark fairytale, it still has its basis in science fiction.

Recurring Villain May 27, 2010 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zeo (Post 54180)
Ahh but I never said "kept" I said "did", as in they created the look themselves with plungers. So your retarded analogy fails. :P

You're a bit simple, huh. Let me reiterate my point:

In the RTD era, they managed to "update" the Daleks to reflect modern production values expectations*, yet they went backwards with the Silurians and made them look stupider than the low-quality, rubber face masks of the originals. I would prefer a convincing prosthetic mask and a laser-shooting weird third eye to a shitty face-paint job and no wacky laser-shooting third eye.

The fact you don't seem to quite understand this makes me feel sorry for your parents.

* Then ruined them again with their candy coated new version.

Kody May 28, 2010 1:33 AM

Really enjoyed the episode, the only downside was how much of it seemed to be laying a backstory and building up to the second part.. but I'm not sure if you can avoid that. Next weeks episode looks amazing for sure.

Also to reply to the above conversation, I think this entire season so far the sonic has been much more of a tool and less of a magic wand, I love it.

Ben Dawson May 28, 2010 3:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kody (Post 54184)
Also to reply to the above conversation, I think this entire season so far the sonic has been much more of a tool and less of a magic wand, I love it.

It's also a lot less discreet

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