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Danny Stewart June 20, 2007 3:35 AM

Who is Dominic Glynn?
Who exactly is Dominic Glynn?
Dominic Glynn began his career writing music for BBC TV's cult science-fiction series Doctor Who in the 1980s. In 1992, his passion for underground dance music led him to form SYZYGY, recording for various UK labels including Rising High and Creation offshoot Infonet Records. Dominic now runs No Bones Records where he continues to release challenging but accessible alternative music exploring the boundaries between jazz, electronica, and soundtrack influences. His music has been released under various names - most notably as FLUID, and as CYBAJAZ with flautist Paul Cheneour. Dominic has also ventured into the world of video games, composing the score for the 3D epic Forsaken and contributing tracks to ReVolt. In addition, he has found time to write over 300 tracks for BMG-Zomba Production Music, with his work featuring in productions worldwide from The Simpsons and West Wing to Kevin & Perry Go Large and Eddie Murphy/Jeff Goldblum comedy Holy Man. Recently Dom has scored a series of short films and branched out into live work with a successful collaboration with pedal-steel legend BJ Cole. A regular DJ for The Big Chill, he continues to play at clubs and festivals in the UK and Europe. Dom has just finished the score to his first feature film. Bad Day is directed by Ian David Diaz, and stars Claire Goose, Donna Air and Sarah Harding (Girls Aloud). For more info, visit http://www.baddaythemovie.co.uk. His regular radio show can be heard on Japan's Samurai.fm by going to http://www.samurai.fm/nobones.

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