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Chris Britton September 11, 2007 7:19 PM

If asked, would you return to Doctor Who?
Pretty self explanatory. But if the BBC were to make you an offer to return to the Doctor Who fold. Would you return? What offer would they have to make if any details had to be specific? :)


Danny Stewart September 11, 2007 7:37 PM

LOL. He'd better, or else I would fail my mission in life. :P

Chris Britton September 13, 2007 9:52 AM

Let the guy have some free will :)

Danny Stewart September 13, 2007 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Britton (Post 40508)
Let the guy have some free will :)

Of course it's his choice... but to be honest I think he'd be crazy not to accept an opportunity like that. ;)

Chris Britton September 13, 2007 12:01 PM

True. I know you would not pass up the chance to work on Doctor Who. :)

Dominic Glynn September 13, 2007 9:32 PM

Woahh - hold me back! I'd leap at the chance of course. As I've mentioned before, I think it would be healthier for the show if there was more than one writer of music working on the show, so given the choice I'd prefer to share the job with another composer, maybe working on 6 or 7 episodes a year.

Danny Stewart September 14, 2007 1:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dominic Glynn (Post 40538)
Woahh - hold me back! I'd leap at the chance of course. As I've mentioned before, I think it would be healthier for the show if there was more than one writer of music working on the show, so given the choice I'd prefer to share the job with another composer, maybe working on 6 or 7 episodes a year.

I think that would be ideal. My perfect arrangement? You and Peter Howell. :D

I can dream. :P

People it should be: Dominic Glynn, Peter Howell, Paul Hartnoll
People it should never be: Keff McCulloch, Mark Ayres :P

Since we're discussing it anyway, Dom, do you know of anyone in the contemporary music field who you think would be well suited to write music for Doctor Who? I know you've referred to Paul Hartnoll in the past (and hence I've included him above)... anyone else?

Ronnie Rowlands September 14, 2007 7:23 AM

What's wrong with Mark Ayres? Didn't he write the score for ghostlight?

Josef Kenny September 14, 2007 11:28 AM


What's wrong with Mark Ayres?
A lot.


Didn't he write the score for ghostlight?

Danny Stewart September 14, 2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands (Post 40543)
What's wrong with Mark Ayres?

Rat Souffle's message was both accurate and to the point. :P

As I illustrated to Dom just the other day, he's ruined the Derbyshire and Howell themes by doing a 5.1 "remastered" version. It's almost like he didn't listen to the originals before starting on the remasters. :(


Ronnie Rowlands September 14, 2007 12:38 PM

Sorry, I really cannot hear anything wrong with those sound clips.

Danny Stewart September 14, 2007 12:51 PM

Whenever Mark Ayres touches a Doctor Who theme, he removes any "punch" that the theme contained in its original form. On both the Derbyshire and Howell themes, the theme comes out sounding considerably more distant and "watered down" than the original versions, so it's probably fair to expect he'll do the same to yours. Listen to the clip again... it does original Derbyshire, then MArk's remastered Derbyshire, then original Howell, then MArk's remastered Howell. In both cases you'll be able to hear that the basslines especially lack the sharpness and clarity that the original recordings had. He's also upped the bass frequencies too high on both themes. Also, for the Howell theme, for a reason I can't even begin to fathom, he seems to have randomly selected bits and pieces to add chorus effects to... go figure! Anyway, 5.1 remastering may sound nice on the surface, but I think I'd do a better job keeping loyal to the original themes than MArk would. Too bad the only way to get the original Derbyshire and Howell multitracks off him is to pry them from his cold dead fingers...

Chris Britton September 17, 2007 6:06 AM

He took a classic peice fo work and tried to make it more modern. look at all these crappy cover versions of songs these days and you see my point. Somethings were better left alone.

Danny Stewart September 17, 2007 2:49 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Britton (Post 40562)
He took a classic peice fo work and tried to make it more modern. look at all these crappy cover versions of songs these days and you see my point. Somethings were better left alone.

Indeed, although he actually has all the original elements. In my opinion, he just mistreats them. :(

Chris Britton September 18, 2007 3:28 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Stewart (Post 40566)
Indeed, although he actually has all the original elements. In my opinion, he just mistreats them. :(

:( <sigh> indeed, and they say if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Personally, i tihnk we should try and get Dom a shot at doing music for the new series, even if it is just a one off mind.

Danny Stewart September 19, 2007 5:36 PM

Well, this is already something I'm working toward in any way I can. I think he's perfectly suited to the job, both personally and professionally. I can't think of anyone better. We know the production team will change eventually, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Chris Britton September 19, 2007 7:30 PM

Don't suppose e-mail RTD or someone would help?

Danny Stewart September 20, 2007 12:22 AM

Well, I'm not in contact with RTD, and Murray Gold doesn't like me very much these days so I doubt he'd listen to me. (Frankly I doubt he has any kind of pull like that anyway!) Still, doesn't mean I've given up.

Ross Hendrie September 20, 2007 9:44 AM

lol Id doubt Murray is going to react well when you ask "Hey, when you get sacked can you recommend someone to take over?"

Josef Kenny September 20, 2007 11:04 AM


lol Id doubt Murray is going to react well when you ask "Hey, when you get sacked can you recommend someone to take over?"
No, but I'd love to see the look on his face!

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