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Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 10:54 AM

The Great Experiment...(All in the name of Science)
Good evening all (Take note...this is a purely scientific post and should not be misconstrued as something sexually explicit),

As some of you maybe aware, there has been a lot of media hype lately about the new pheromone colognes that are becoming available. For those who don't know what I am talking about, I will explain;

Pheromones are natural chemical scents that the body produces in order to communicate with others nearby. They are well documented in the animal kingdom as the force that controls all social behavior, including mating. New research and studies
show that human behavior is heavily influenced from these airborne chemicals, and that pheromones play a far bigger role in human sexuality than ever thought before.

Scientists have long known that certain hormones, called pheromones, trigger strong sexual desire in animals. This is the reason that male dogs are driven crazy by a female dog in heat.
Humans too, are influenced in a similar way with the presence of pheromones. Unfortunately, due to evolution, our bodies do not produce enough pheromones naturally to stimulate a response in the opposite sex.

One of the most interesting facts is that Pheromones are not consciously detected by the opposite sex. Pheromone molecules are detected inside the VNO ("vomeronasal organ") that is located in a small cavity inside the nose. This information is transmitted to Hypothalamus, an almond size gland that is linked to other parts of limbic brain. These are the areas that control emotions and sexual activity. A woman exposed to human pheromones feels an instinctive, powerful attraction and she doesn't know why. This is what's called "chemistry".

Now it has been proven conclusively, humans produce and react to pheromones, so much so that studies have even shown that exposure to men's pheromones can affect a woman's ovulation cycle, meaning, her readiness and interest in having intercourse. For example, it has been discovered that when the underarm sweat of women in different menstrual phases is placed under the noses of female subjects, the length of these subjects' own cycles is significantly altered. Underarm sweat has been shown to have a pheromone component - dehydroepiandrosterone. This explains why females living in close quarters, such as college dormitories, often have synchronized cycles.If anyone would like more information on the 8 main types of pheromones, please don't hesitate to ask :)

Now there are a number of colognes coming onto the market that use and take advantage of these pheromones. All of these products say the pheromones will achieve the following results;

1) Dramatically reduce rejections from women
2) Get more smiles, winks, touches, hugs and kisses (flirting)
3) More conversations initiated by girls that approach you
4) An increased number of date invitations from girls
5) Broaden your perceived status and authority
6) Get respect from other men
7) A solid boost of confidence
8) More self esteem as a positive side effect
9) Enhance your existing relationship
10) Get more & better sex

Well I have decided that in the name of science, I am going to put this stuff to the test and conduct some evidence based research. It is my intention to use this stuff over a period of 4-8 weeks, apply it every time I goto work and every time I go on a social outing to ascertain as to whether or not this stuff works and produces the results it says it will. As with evidence based research practices, I will keep a log of all interactions with test subjects (aka women) with whom I come into contact with and record down any changes in behavior or anything I would count as unusual or out of the ordinary. I also plan to record my personal opinions and observations throughout the experiment in a separate diary.

In my opinion it should be a rather interesting undertaking. I would be more than happy to share my practical research with anyone interested.

Some might say this is rather unorthodox...some might say I am a pioneer..but really I see it as delving into the depths of the unknown in the name of science :P

What do you guys think

Superkid11 March 8, 2008 11:21 AM

"Science" ... sure. ;)
Do what you must, because you can!

... seriously, this really is interesting. Maybe you could ask a woman to help test the reverse? (... then again men, very much including myself, don't seem to need any sort of chemical to get in the mood for that kind of thing. :P)

Keep us updated, and be sure to let us know if... something special happens, if you know what I mean. ;)

Danny Stewart March 8, 2008 12:08 PM

Extremely interesting post, Daniel, thanks for sharing. Definitely keep us updated -- I'm curious to see if this goes anywhere.

Ben Dawson March 8, 2008 3:30 PM

I'm guessinig it wont work, and I have good reason to say that.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=KOUBrEsR1jo ftw ;).

Danny Stewart March 8, 2008 4:13 PM

I wish they'd had this stuff back in 2004.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 8:11 PM

Brainiac might of done a segment on it but because they might not of been able to get any positive results does not mean that it won't work. ;) The stuff I am using is new to the market but has been tested on a group of 10,000 males and had a success rate of 98%. This product is the first one to be actually made, developed and sold by a research company direct with its own new second generation formula which contains the 8 pheromones as where most of the others contain one or two. (The company is quite a reputable one too hehe)

It should be a rather interesting experiment. The only female (my best friend) I would even ask to try the male attractant is my control subject (hehe she doesn't know it either ;)) so if I notice any change in her...I will automatically declare the experiment a success :D I work in a predominately female workplace and deal with nursing staff a lot so I will have regular interaction with subjects so it shouldn't be to hard to notice results if any arise.

Ross Hendrie March 8, 2008 8:12 PM

Very interesting! Do keep us updated.

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 8:15 PM

Pheromones are actually a quite insignificant part of the process through which we choose a partner.

We choose them based on how similar they are in appearance to ourselves (and, oddly enough, our mothers), as well as through the degree that their immune system is different to our own, so that any offspring produced have the optimal combination of genetic information.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 8:24 PM

I don't agree with you entirely on that one RV, but only time will tell and hopefully will wield some interesting results.

Danny Stewart March 8, 2008 8:25 PM


Originally Posted by Recurring Villain (Post 45151)
We choose them based on how similar they are in appearance to ourselves (and, oddly enough, our mothers)


*wanders off to consider this*

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 8:27 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45152)
I don't agree with you entirely on that one RV, but only time will tell and hopefully will wield some interesting results.

Well, you could do something useful and present your competing evidence.

Danny Stewart March 8, 2008 8:27 PM


Originally Posted by Recurring Villain (Post 45154)
Well, you could do something useful and present your competing evidence.

"Competing" evidence implies that there is some original evidence to compete with. :P

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 8:33 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Stewart (Post 45155)
"Competing" evidence implies that there is some original evidence to compete with. :P

Obviously you don't trust me as a source :P.

I'll see if I can find the studies I got what I know from. It's not on Wikipedia, which is flipping useful. They only have the typical captain obvious stuff.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 8:33 PM

Hehe he has a point RV :P

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 8:36 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45157)
Hehe he has a point RV :P

We can hardly have a debate if you're just going to prance around my assertions, however.

Prove me wrong.

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 8:40 PM

I look forward to seeing your evidence. It goes without a doubt that there is more to it than just pheromones, but they play a pivitol role in the selection process, studies have shown that in the animal kingdom. We produce our own, but because we are creatures of habit and society our levels aren't high enough to be detected by the opposite sex (Most of us shower in the morning which washes off any chemicals produced, we wear deodorants that mask any smell or chemical produced and we dress from head to toe, which covers up 90% of our body)

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 8:59 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45159)
I look forward to seeing your evidence.

You have presented no evidence, either; it's a bit hypocritical of you to ask for mine without presenting your own. I can make baseless claims, too.

The human system of attraction has evolved for a specific reason, and that reason is choosing a compatible partner who will produce strong offspring. It is naive to think that you could override these drivers with some kind of general 'fix'; if human pheromone production is too low to be of use, would it not be logical to conclude that this is because we have developed other systems through which we select our partners?

Even if this pheromone treatment does work (which I highly doubt), the long term effectiveness of such a 'solution' is questionable. Initial attraction does not guarantee any kind of long-term relationship, and there is no reason why the moment you stop using this pheromone solution, the person would lose all attraction.

Superkid11 March 8, 2008 9:13 PM

I agree with RV on that, the pheremones might get you a one-night stand or something like that but if you and the person you meet are too incompatible it's just not going to go well...

It's like going for somebody based on their looks. Clicking personalities are important for a good relationship.


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon
so if I notice any change in her...I will automatically declare the experiment a success :D

I'll make a note there!

Daniel Gordon March 8, 2008 9:21 PM

That is a valid point RV and I won't argue with you on it. It is not my intention to test or prove the long term validity or effectiveness of pheromones. It is entirely possible that if I stop using the stuff that all attraction would be lost, but then again who knows? I don't because I haven't tried it before. But the point of the experiment is to look at the short term effects and initial influences on contact with the opposite sex, not long term.

Recurring Villain March 8, 2008 9:29 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Gordon (Post 45162)
But the point of the experiment is to look at the short term effects and initial influences on contact with the opposite sex, not long term.

It will be interesting, I suppose.

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