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Danny Stewart April 14, 2008 1:56 AM

Partners in Crime / The Fires of Pompeii
Hey Dom,

Hope all's well. Been meaning to email you, but I'll get to that ASAP. Right now, I just have to ask... what did you think of the first two episodes of the series? To be perfectly honest, I thought Partners in Crime was absolute rubbish... the worst episode the new series has yet given us. It started from a bad idea which was then made worse in its implementation -- it could have been handled a lot better in many different ways, and I feel like what was dumped on us was an affront to Doctor Who. Don't get me wrong -- I love "fun" episodes just as much as the next Doctor Who fan, but this was more insulting than fun. But that's just me. While I admit I can't see how anyone could like this, apparently some people did, and maybe you're one of them, in which case I don't mean to badmouth you or your opinion. :P

Just as I was about to give up on the new series after three poor episodes in a row, we were given The Fires of Pompeii, which I thought was absolutely excellent. Fantastic portrayal of the Doctor's character, a bit of darkness and a bit of fear, and a great moral dilemma. It's the first time in a long time that this has just felt like "proper" Doctor Who, and it really did, which made me feel so much better about the new series. (My only remaining bone to pick is that I really can't stand Murray Gold's music this year.) I'm at a point now where I think Russell T Davies is now the weakest link in the new series. The other writers do the show justice and the production team is clearly putting a lot of love and effort into this show, and it really shows.

What are your thoughts?

All the best,

Dominic Glynn April 14, 2008 7:52 PM

Yeah, ep 2 was a definite improvement on the appalling ep 1! Those Pilsbury Dough guys (accompanied by way-over-the-top music) made even the Kandyman seem terrifying in comparison :)

Danny Stewart April 15, 2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dominic Glynn (Post 46330)
Those Pilsbury Dough guys (accompanied by way-over-the-top music) made even the Kandyman seem terrifying in comparison :)

Haha, they could have made the Kandyman scarier if they'd gotten Keff to do the music! That would have sent kids scurrying behind the sofa. :P

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