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Old May 19, 2006, 9:05 AM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 36
Posts: 5,252
Originally Posted by Ronn
Don't know if any of you noticed, but there was a president of Britain,and as we all know, we have a prime minister.. Just little twists like that make the earth more paralell.
Yes, I noticed.

Originally Posted by Ronn
This was the only episode where the Doctor didn't do any of his childish shouting. I absolutely hate it when he does that. (i.e. school reunion- CORRRRRR-ECTO-MONDEAU!)
My full thoughts about the Doctor's shouting are expressed above, although I will say that I loved his "correctamundo" line in "School Reunion" and thought he acted it will, tacking on "a word I've never used before and hopefully never will again" onto the end of the line. But whatever... I enjoy those aspects of the Doctor's character. Shoot me.