Bloody heck! And some of these were before the episode was finished. And i am sorry to say that i must agree, i lost interest in that episode fast, I enjoyed Peter Kays acting, he was one fo the best parts of it. But overall, it was crap! Russell T Davies has done 2 stinkers, 3 at the most so far, and this episode is not up to scratch. Absolutley dreadful, I seriousy hope next weeks episode is better, because i am starting to think hard about it, and failing that, the finalie better be a dramatic, wonderful, brilliant 2 parter. Because now im wondering. And what does make the episode even worse is the fact you were not convinced by it Danny,

But this episode was Doctor Who with hardly any Doctor, just people disscussing him, thats only good for so far. So it must rank as one of the lowest points of the series.