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Old June 18, 2006, 2:52 AM
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Ronnie Rowlands (Offline)
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Join Date: December 2005
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Posts: 1,173
Well I actually found this episode quite enjoyable. Ok, the part at the start where the doc, Rose and that monster are running through those doors like the Scooby Doo clan was quite silly, but I thought it was a nice story, and a breath of fresh air to have a story with little Doctor in it, to focus around the people who are affected by the Doctors actions. Peter Kay was very funny, "Yeah, Abzorbaloff I like that one." People who are critising the show because they don't like Peter Kay are just shallow. People who are complaining are just scared to see a different sort of episode.
I enjoyed the episode. Cut it some slack ok?
Dost thou expect me, thy monarch, to dine on such meagre portions thus 'ere?!