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Old June 19, 2006, 7:23 AM
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Ronnie Rowlands (Offline)
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[QUOTE=Danny Stewart;16452]

"Isn't that a contradiction in terms? A Doctor Who story with little Doctor being a breath of fresh air?"

I just mean it was nice and different, to have a story with little Doc in it.

"You can show the Doctor's impact without removing the Doctor. But even the plot was shallow and meaningless to me. If it was well done, that would be one thing, but this was about as far from well done as humanly possible. And the blame for that rests solely on the shoulders of Russell T. Davies."

The plot was not meaningless, A group of investigators were looking for the Doctor, Peter Kay comes along and takes charge of the group, so he can find the Doc and absorb him, therefore making him more intelligent. Anyone who gets too close gets absorbed by him. It was quite a nice plot and a nice light hearted episode.

"Peter Kay was very funny, if you have the sense of humor of a two-year-old who's mentally retarded and doesn't understand the English language and just sees a big fat green thing flopping around on that box that gives off light and noise. (Please note that this is not directed at you, Ronn, nor at anyone who did find him funny, so please don't take offense. This is just the sense of humor that I feel the episode must have been catered towards.)"

I think this IS directed at anyone who finds it funny Danny, you are trying to say that only a Spastic who couldnt understand the english language would like it. Maybe, just maybe, RTD wanted to make an episode that focused more on children for a change. Peter was very
funny in his character. This is the firsts RTD episode where I hav'nt disliked Tennants performance.
Dost thou expect me, thy monarch, to dine on such meagre portions thus 'ere?!