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Old August 21, 2006, 10:56 AM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
... Bazinga!
Join Date: August 2006
Location: Co. Durham
Age: 32
Posts: 1,132
Tardis Malfunction

Tardis Malfunction

Space, Time, it’s all relative when it comes down to The Doctor. Doctor Who you ask? Oh, just The Doctor. A Time Lord, from Galifrey, an exile, a renegade, a Tardis, his Tardis. That’s The Doctor, a few short things to summon him up, but by god there’s more, over 900 years more in fact. He’ll try to deny that he is over 900 years old, he’ll go with “I’m around about 900 years old” but he’ll never admit to being older.
The Doctor, the most amazing man in the universe, in time and space, yep, The Doctor.

Space, the most quiet place in existence. All the stars, planets and suns, all there, all peacefully hovering around each other.
A blue box cut through the silence, almost as if it was in a hurry to get somewhere or somewhen. This blue box may look like JUST a blue box, but it’s much more than that, it’s a Tardis, The Doctor’s Tardis. And inside, it was like a gothic cathedral, classic antiques everywhere, in a matter of fact, the style of it was very Edwardian.
Inside, a man was sitting in a chair, what he wore was very Edwardian, very posh, topped of with a dark green overcoat. The man himself, his hair was long, with wavy curls, with deep passionate green eyes and a slightly rugged, chiseled face. This man is The Doctor.
The Doctor sat in his chair, reading a diary, a diary that went up to 1000 years old. As you could tell, it was quite a big book. He was reading the beginning, reading his very own adventures. Oh how he had changed since those days, he was in his first body then, now, about six or seven hundred years down the line, seven regenerations, he was in his eighth body. Thinking about that made him feel old, even though other Time Lords have lived thousands of years, although he hadn’t spent that much time on Gallifrey with his own people, so he didn’t really go by there sense of what’s old and what’s young.
It made him happy reading about some of the happy times he had with his friends, people who he had picked up along the way. And it had him sad thinking about the times had to see them leave, but always continuing, never the chance to look back.
Boom, the was an explosion coming from the controls, he leapt up and ran across to the comtrols, pressing buttons, flicking switches. He pulled down the time monitor to check the readings. “Malfunction”, it read. Then, the Cloister Bell rang, then the Doctor new he was in trouble. The Cloister Bell only rings in emergencies, so what ever was happening, it was big.
VWORP VWORP went then engines of the Tardis as it materialized, the Doctor check the monitor again to check where he was, it read “Skaro”, he then made sure that the oxygen and radiation levels were ok and proceeded to checking what time period this was. He had been here before, and at this exact time period as well, this was the home planet of the Daleks, his fiercest enemies, and this was the time period where he witnessed something, the beginning, this is where he witnessed the birth of the Daleks.
He was in his fourth body at the time, and he was on a mission by the High Council of the Time Lords to either stop the Daleks creation or make it so that they become a less dominant race. He had succeeded in some ways. But now he was back, and he was brought here, but by whom and what for.
The Doctor pressed a few more buttons on the controls and walked towards the door, as he was about to leave, he said to himself, “Well, here we go”.
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