A Familiar Face
A Familiar Face
The Doctor cautiously set a foot outside the Tardis, he knew that it wasn’t the Daleks he should be worried about as they weren’t quite operative yet. But he was in a war zone, so he had to be quiet.
He walked about with no idea of where he was, all he knew was that he was somewhere on Skaro. Dawn was just breaking over the horizon, so it was still rather chilly.
The Doctor saw a hill up ahead, he decided to climb up it to try and get his bearings. As he struggled to the top, he looked around. “Nothing, absolutely nothing”, the Doctor said to himself. He knew exactly who sent him here, it was the Time Lords, “the least they could have done was drop me off somewhere of significance”, the Doctor thought to himself.
The Doctor saw somebody in the distance, he squinted his eyes to try and see who it was. It was himself, in his fourth body, this was the time period in which he was sent on a mission by the Time Lords to try to either avert the Daleks creation or make them a less aggressive species.
He looked into the distance as another Time Lord appeared beside his fourth body, this Time Lord was dressed in black robes. Just then, as he looked at his previous self, a voice appeared beside him, “do you remember what we talked about then”, said the voice, the voice belonged to the same Time Lord that had appeared next to his fourth body, “yes, you told me about a mission that you wanted me to go on to try and stop the Daleks creation or make it so that the become a less dominant race”, replied the Doctor. “Yes, but still, as successful as you were in making them less dominant, time has still seen them become more and more aggressive, and now, they have reached a certain point where they are about to become almost unstoppable. If they should succeed in their next plan, then it could eventually see them reach their greatest plan, to become the ultimate masters of the universe”, said the Time Lord, “How?” Asked the Doctor. “Come, walk with me and I’ll explain it on the way”, said the Time Lord.
Suddenly, the surroundings around them changed, they were in the old Kaled base. The base in which the Doctor and the Thals, the Kaleds hated enemies had trapped the Daleks. It had took them a thousand years to dig themselves out.
In front of them were several Daleks, “don’t worry, they can’t see us”, said the Time Lord, “Oh”, replied the Doctor. “I just wanted you to witness this conversation, Doctor”, said the Time Lord
“We have discovered the species that the Doctor originates from using his DNA”, said one of the Daleks to what seemed to be the leader, “he comes from a race known as the Time Lords”, it continued. “That will be useful for our attack in vengeance for trapping us down here”, replied the Dalek leader. “The Time Lords are highly evolved, intellectual beings, they would pose a problem in our plans”, said the first Dalek, “then we will exterminate”, replied the Dalek leader.
“And they did try to attack the Time Lords, when I was in my fifth body, they created clones of people which they planed to use in an invasion against the Time Lords”, said the Doctor, “yes, that is correct”, replied the Time Lord.
Once again, their surroundings changed, this time they were on a Dalek spaceship in the presence of two Daleks, a gray Dalek and the black Dalek Supreme.
“The time for our plan of action is now, our retaliation against the Time Lords is set, we shall exterminate all Time Lords”, said the Dalek Leader, “but what will happen if our plan fails?” Asked the gray Dalek, “Then we shall start preparing TL.1, the Time Lords will be exterminated”, replied the Dalek Leader.
“What is TL.1?” asked the Doctor, “you will find out soon enough”, replied the Time Lord. “But now, we shall reach our final destination”, said the Time Lord.
Their surroundings changed once more, this time it was another spaceship. This ship was taken over by Davros, the creator of the Daleks.
This time it was a place the Doctor had been in his current body, at this point, the Doctor and his companions had been allowed to leave by the Daleks and had just left.
Davros had finally mutated into a Dalek and now his personality was taken over by a different personality, now he was the Emperor Dalek.
“Why did you allow the Doctor to leave? Why didn’t you EXTERMINATE HIM?” asked the Emperor Dalek, “We allowed him to leave so that we can brief you on TL.1, once TL.1 is in action, the Doctor will be exterminated, but his death will be much more satisfying.” Replied a Dalek.
The surroundings changed back to their original surroundings. “So, the Daleks have been planning TL.1 for a very long time, and it will result in the deaths of all Time Lords”, said the Doctor, “yes, we need your help, we need your knowledge of the Daleks, we need you to help us defend ourselves against the Daleks”, replied the Time Lord.
“If the Daleks have been planning this for such a long time, then it must be a massive attack, the Daleks are my enemies, I am the one who they planned this for, I am the one who continually thwart their plans, and I am the only one that they are afraid of. Yes, I will help you, and I will not stop until they are defeated”, said the Doctor, “thank you, we need your help immediately, we need you now Doctor”, said the Time Lord. “I will leave now, I’ll arrive the exact moment I leave”. “Thank you”, replied the Time Lord.
The Doctor started walking back to his Tardis, “wait a minute, were you the one who brought my Tar………” but the Time Lord had gone.
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Last edited by Ben Dawson; August 22, 2006 at 2:56 AM