Chapter 4
Finally, here is chapter four.
Testing, Testing, Systems Booting
“What is that thing?†Asked the gang leader, “I am not a thing, I am K-9 Mark III. I have defensive systems, retreat, retreatâ€, replied K-9. “Hold it K-9, hold it, they’re with us, they don’t intend any harmâ€, said the Doctor. “They are not registered as police, they are agent that are infiltrating the Galifreyan defencesâ€, said K-9. “It’s wrong, it’s a talking dog, it’s a machine, it can’t be trusted it………†Romana cut of the gang leader “He’s my most trusted ally, he hasn’t been wrong about anything in the past, even when he’s just come out of deactivation. And he’s never betrayed us. If he’s telling us that you are traitors, then I want you to prove otherwiseâ€. The gang pull out guns, they were about to shoot when they suddenly got shot down, “I think that proves that they are enemy agentsâ€, said the woman who shot the gang leader.
“How is the Doctor coming alongâ€, asked the mysterious Time Lord who called himself Jon Doe. “Not to badly, he was intercepted by enemy agents but they’ve been taken care ofâ€, said the Time Lord at the controls.
“If I may ask, you know what to call me, but what is your name?†Asked Jon Doe, “Axandrazuton, but you can call me Axandra, everbody else doesâ€, replied the Time Lord at the controls.
“Anyway, they’ve just activated their robotic dog, K-9â€, said Axandra. “Hmm, I suppose it should be handyâ€, said Jon Doe. “Oh he’s not an it, he’s a he. He may have a metal body but he has got an artificial Intelligent brain, and he can catch illnesses just like an organic organismâ€, corrected Axandra. “Really, that is interesting. Anyway, let me know if anything happensâ€, said Jon Doe. “Something’s happening now, they’re talkingâ€, said Axandra with a smile on his face, “I meant if something important happensâ€, replied Jon Doe, returning the smile.
“I’m the leader of the real gang of police, we were originally going to be the ones to escort you but they had trapped us at the police stationâ€, said the real gang leader.
“Ah, well, we’re safe now. Thank you. So what’s your name?†Asked the Doctor. “My name is Alandra, it’s short for Alandratuskon. My brother works in the top department at the police station, he deals with security and defense, his name’s Axandrazuton but everybody just calls him Axandra. I’d watch out for him, he’s a bit of a JOKERâ€, said Alandra.
“Loading files, rebooting energy sources, testing, testing, systems bootingâ€, mumble K-9 incoherently. “He’s been deactivated for a long time, it’s going to take about five minutes to get back to normalâ€, said Romana.
“So anyway, the other members of this gang are Listousonâ€, Alandra pointed to a scrawny little man, quite young, with bright blonde hair, “he may look young but he plays on that to make people think he’s naïve, he looks small but he’s fast and a lot stronger than he looks. This is Noladaâ€, this time she pointed to a slightly older looking woman with long black hair, and deep green eyes. She smiled at the Doctor nervously, he smile back. “And last but not least, the one’s Yulotousâ€, she pointed to a sulky man who looked like he was in his late forties, “oh don’t worry about Yulotous here, he’s just in a mood because I was appointed in charge of escorting you instead of him, isn’t that rightâ€, said Alandra, Yulotous replied with a moan. “Anyway, I think we had better set offâ€, said Alandra, “where are we going?†Asked the Doctor, “to the department that my brother works in at the police stationâ€, replied Alandra, “ah, ok. Are you alright coming along
K-9?†Asked the Doctor, “affirmative, masterâ€, replied K-9.
Axandra picked up a phone, dialed a number and waited for someone to answer. “Hello, Jon, something’s happeningâ€. “I’ll be right thereâ€.
“What’s happening Axandra?†Asked Jon, “the Doctor and his company are making their way over to the buildingâ€, replied Axandra. “Good, good, I want you to brief them on what’s measures are being taken. But Axandra, don’t tell the Doctor that I am involved, he must not know about me, at least not for the moment, when the time is right, he will find out all about meâ€. “Ok, you will be left out of itâ€, replied Axandra.
“I’ll be going now, I’ll be close by, I must know what the Doctor has said. When he goes, brief me on what he has saidâ€, “Alrightâ€. A voice droned out of a speaker, “the Doctor and his company are hereâ€, “er thankyou, send them up………….well get out of here Jonâ€, “I’m going, I’m goingâ€, he replied.
“My brother works in this department, he’s been given the task of briefing you on our plans on defensesâ€, said Alandra “Hold on, how do you know about the Daleks plan to attack?†Asked the Doctor, “we have an………anonymous ally who has foreseen the eventâ€, she replied. “How do you know that this person can be trusted?†Asked the Doctor, “Oh lets just say, this person would be one of the must least likely to betray us, he help you to bring you to us†she replied. “I would very much like to meet this…….anonymous personâ€, “who says you haven’t, and who says you wont in the futureâ€.
“So how far along this hallway are you taking us?†Asked Romana, “just through this doorâ€, answered Alandra, pointing to a door behind her.
They walked through the door, “Hello, I’m Axandra, I’m sure you’ve been told about me, I’m Alandra’s brotherâ€, “we’ll just be waiting outsideâ€, said Alandra “thank you,†replied Axandra. “Well, where to begin, we have prepared a defense mechanism that scans the entire planet, if anything should enter the atmosphere a massive alarm will be set of all over Galifreyâ€. “That’s pretty goodâ€, said the Doctor “but what about other defenses, battle defenses for instanceâ€. “Well, we’ve set up an army of the fittest, strongest and smartest of Time Lords, we have had billions of Time Lords tested on fitness and strength, and then we gave each and every one of them an IQ test with the lowest pass rate of 2000â€, replied Axandra, “Wow, that must have been a hell of a lot of work….ahem….would you like a Jelly Baby?†said the Doctor. “Thank you, and yes, that was a lot of work, but we needed to do it otherwise we wont stand a chance against the Daleksâ€. “That’s very true, the Daleks are ruthless and that’s equaled only by their mass and powerâ€, replied the Doctor. “Come, we’ll go to the cafeteria, we’ll sit down, have a drink, and then I can brief you on more of the situationâ€.
Inside a massive space ship, millions of machines that looked a lot like giant pepper pots with a stalk for an eye, a stalk with a suction cup at the end a gun that looked like an egg whisk where stood still watching a gigantic monitor. Stood in front of the pepper pots was another pepper pot like machine with a head bigger than the others, this was the emperor of the Daleks and it was a force to be reckoned with, “Activate the bugâ€,
It shouted, it’s voice echoed throughout the gigantic control room, robots that looked vaguely like humans were punching out controls.
“Shall we head of then Doctor?†asked Axandra “I don’t see why notâ€, replied the Doctor.
“Affirmative masterâ€, said K-9, answering a voice only he could here “I have orders, you will be exterminatedâ€, said K-9.
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