lol, i'll do so now! ^^
Day 2: (3:30 am: Hall)
Early Morning Routine-
“Up, Up, Up!” yelled Mrs Bennet, the head teacher, banging on each of the girl’s doors in turn. It was 3:30am, as they walked groggily along the corridor for breakfast. Each in turn taking their place at the breakfast table and nudging one another to keep them awake. Then, each table slowly got up and walked to the counter. They came back to the table each with a disgusting pile of what the school liked to call food, but what looked more like something Tilly had eaten and then sicked up. The tallest of the six girls looked the widest awake, staring at the food with disgust. She had only arrived at the school a few months ago and hadn’t quite got used to the slop they made here. The girls on her left and right came together, her two closest friends. Across from her was another two of her friends, they seemed sad, so the girl piped up.
“So, what are you doing today…? Claire!” The girl across from her looked up. Her hair flopped in front of her face and she gave her friend the meanest look in the world. “Oh, well, what about you… Lucy?” Another friend sitting next to Claire. She completely ignored the girl, instead began to read a book that she had brought. “Ok then, Sophie?” she asked the girl sitting to the right of her. “What have you got today?” A quiet grunt was all she heard, so she decided one more try. “Talie, come on, answer me!”
“Ah, hi. Leave me til’ last why don’tcha.”
“Finally,” she began. “Someone’s talking to me. They’re all moody!”
“I hadn’t noticed,” she said matter-of-factly and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “So, what have you got today?” she asked before the girl could get in.
“P.E,” she said grumpily. She wasn’t even going to attempt to eat the food, and she noticed that Talie had done the same.
“Me too, finally, I haven’t been in a class with you since…” They both stared at each other and look down. They tried never to discuss that one lesson where everything nearly went to pieces.
“Anyway…” began Talie. “At least we finally get to talk the whole lesson and not actually do anything, eh Grace?!” Grace had gone completely pale and was now looking just above Talie’s shoulder. She quickly spun around to see their P.E teacher, Mrs Young standing above them. Talie grinned and apologised.
“That’s not good enough! You were planning to talk during my entire lesson, I think you’d better come with me.”
“No!” Grace yelled standing up and pushing the teacher in the arm. She’d had enough now. “She’s staying here whether you like it or not! Ok!?” The teacher gave her one dirty look and grabbed her hard by the arm. She brought her close up to her, so she could feel the woman’s dank breath on her face.
“No one pushes me and gets away with it.” She reached inside her pocket, and with one swift movement smacked Grace around the head with a long stick filled with some sort of drug. She fell to the floor, smashing into Talie’s chair, blood dripping down her face. The rest of the group finally realised what was happening and got up really quickly. Talie knelt down beside Grace’s body and clasped her hand to the side of her head. “MOVE GIRL!” yelled the teacher bringing her stick up for another blow.
“NO!” screamed Talie grabbing the teacher’s weapon and snapping it on her knee. The drug gushed out of the spilt ends of it as she looked up, triumphant. Her eyes were filled with tears, she didn’t know what was going to happen next. “This was all over a stupid P.E lesson…” she began, pointing at her friend, lying on the floor with Sophie crouching over her fanning her face. “And now look what you’ve done to her.” The teacher gave Grace a disgusted look and then grabbed Talie by the arm.
“Come on you, hitting a teacher is bad enough, what you did is even worse.” And as the hall finally got back to normal, the 3 friends looked at each other with dismay, blinking slightly and sniffing. They knew exactly what was going to happen and they didn’t like it one bit.
there's a lot of No-ing in this paragraphy bit, so just imagine that... well, i dunno! Hehe, yeah, these are all mates of mine! ^^