Thread: Brat Camp ^^
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Old September 27, 2006, 10:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Day 3: (Time unknown: The Forbidden Dungeon)

The Unholy Silence-
She woke up, opening one eye and looking around. The place was completely deserted, apart from a few, small, scurrying animals, running into places to hide. Cob webs stuck to the ceiling as she stood up, looking around but seeing nothing else. No one must have been here for ages, nothing was misplaced or broken. She thrust her fist out into a nearby rock, angry and hurt. The rock toppled to the floor as Grace peered confused at it. She knelt down on all fours and stared at the cracked base, grinning and laughing. Someone had replaced it back on its teetering base, giving illusion that no one had been here for years. Getting back up and smiling to herself again, she followed the broken path.

Sophie was thrown inside the cell, where Claire and Lucy were already sitting on the cold floor trying to make a plan. She hit the metal floor with a resounding bang as she brushed her hair away from her face and grinned slightly.
“Where have you been?” asked Claire finally.
“Erm, no where…” Sophie said eyeing Claire suspiciously. “Are you ok?” Claire didn’t answer.
“Where’s J?” Claire asked.
“I saw something; I don’t know what it was. It was probably something that I didn’t see actually… but, she’s gone Claire. I don’t know what happened. One minute she was there, the next she had disappeared, but I bet it’s something to do with the back wall in the cell.”

Grace trundled along the empty passage. She had no idea where she was going, but she knew she had a goal, to find out what was going on, and to stop it. She reached yet another dead end. It seemed as if it was an underground maze established in order to confused the traveler and force them to give up all hope. Grace didn’t want to give up, she knew she had to continue for everyone’s sake. She slammed her fist into the nearby wall in a rage, only to find that it went straight through. She stared at the strange sight in bemusement, not realizing until a few seconds later what it was. It was a false wall used to give the illusion of a real one. Plucking up all the courage she could, and not knowing what was on the other side, she stepped straight through.

Now seriously, and i'm not being mean or nothing... i haven't written much else. Like...9 lines... cause i can't think of what else to write... if anyone has ANY ideas, please, PLEASE tell me... and i wanna write another dr who story, but i can't think of a good beginning... so if anyone can think of THAT, that would be G.R.E.A.T!