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Old October 5, 2006, 2:48 PM
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Ben Dawson (Offline)
... Bazinga!
Join Date: August 2006
Location: Co. Durham
Age: 32
Posts: 1,132
Chapter Six :Every Doctor Is Needed

Every Doctor is needed

They all had some kind of weapon. Knives, guns, swords. They all had something.
They readied their weapons, and then they ran, they ran towards the Time Lords.
Then, a high pitched screech hit the air like a thousand knives to an ear, all the machines collapsed to the floor. K-9 appeared from the rubble, “I try to help when I can”, said K-9. “That was you?” asked the Doctor, “yes, I’ve been upgraded by my Mistress since we last met, Master”, answered K-9. “I never upgraded you to do that”, said Romana, “you recorded a message in me to warn you if any intruders were detected trying to break into you offices, I simply played the message at a really high frequency, their computer chips couldn’t process the sound so the deactivated”. “Oh that’s really clever K-9”, said the Doctor, bending down to pat the robotic dog.


An old, white haired man crouching at the controls of his tardis, then he suddenly collapsed on the floor. Two people ran across to his side, one of them was a young male called Ben and the other was a young blonde female called Polly. The white haired old man’s face was starting to glow, but then he just faded away. “where is he? where’s the Doctor?” said Polly, “Well I don’t know”, replied Ben.


“The first incarnation of the Doctor has been successfully taken from his Time Stream” said the white Dalek, “good, continue with the operation”, replied the Emperor Dalek.
The first Doctor suddenly appeared in a glass tube container, he was unconscious but apart from that he seemed unhurt.


“Well, let’s get on with discussing the pl…..”, the Doctor collapsed. “Doctor, Doctor, are you alright?” “Yes Romana, it’s just…I had a sudden feeling, something I’ve only felt once before”, “what Doctor? What is it?” “It’s just, my first incarnation has been pulled away from my Time Stream, the Daleks are trying to pull my incarnations away from me”, said the Doctor. “That’s impossible, isn’t it?” asked Alandra “no, the Daleks have progressed in technology. They’ve successfully built time machines, and now they’ve progressed even further, now they are on a level of power over time only succeeded by the Time Lords. Still though, they have the technology to take my incarnations…… and if they kill any of them then they kill all incarnations after them”, said the Doctor. “Come on Doctor, come with me, there is one thing we can still do”, said Alandra.


Shall we kill the first incarnation of the Doctor now?” Asked the white Dalek, “no, as long as we keep him hostage then we have a certain control over the Doctor”, replied the Emperor Dalek. “Proceed in taking his other incarnations”.


“What are you doing? Where are we?” Asked the Doctor, “we are at a place that offers us the best possible chance”, replied Alandra. They were in a room full of machines and wires. “Here, step on here”, said Alandra, she guided the Doctor onto a pad, a glass tube lowered around the Doctor, “try to relax, this may…sting a little”, said Alandra. She operated a massive computer with a huge screen. It displayed all of the Doctor’s details, including his past incarnations, all except his first, which the Daleks had captured.
Her hands wizzed across the keyboard, and then the machines surrounding the Doctor became active.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!†, the Doctor was in serious pain, tubes from his container connected to other containers, bright lights came from the Doctor and went into the other tubes. Then other people appeared in the other glass tubes, they were all unconscious at first but woke up quickly. The first one was a small man with a mop of messy black hair, his facial features were very clownish, as he woke up a huge grin appeared on his face “Ah, there you are, I was told that I would bump into you”, said the little man, “you probably know me, I’m the Doctor, the second one” he said. Then the man in the glass chamber next to him woke up. He had a flock of gray hair and wore very flamboyant clothing. He wore a frilly shirt with a short dark purple overcoat topped off with a velvet cape behind him. “Oh, things must be bad if we’re both here together, scarecrow”, said the gray haired man “ah I see you’ve woke up, I knew things couldn’t stay peaceful for long”, said the second Doctor to the gray haired man. “I’m the Doctor by the way”, the gray haired man to Alandra and Romana, “yes, we know, you all are, “oh, ok” replied the third Doctor.
Then the fourth Doctor woke up, he a flock of curly brown hair, wide eyes and a really big grin. His clothing was weird, he wore a long brown over coat with a long stripy multi coloured scarf. “Mhm, I must say I don’t really like your idea of……’ve got my other incarnations here, haven’t you?” said the fourth Doctor, “well, it doesn’t matter why you’ve got us here but I demand you let us go at once”, said the fourth Doctor, “we will, but first we need to check to see that there’s no body shock, we’ll explain why you’re here once you are all awake”, said Alandra.
Next up was the fifth Doctor, he was the youngest looking of the previous four, he had a flock of neat blond hair with dark brown eyes, he wore a cricket jumper with a dark cream coloured coat with red lining and a stick of celery on the lapel. “Hmm...where am I”, the fifth Doctor asked with a slight hint of eccentric curiosity. “We’ll get to you all in a minute”, said Alandra, “All…?” The fifth Doctor looked around, “ah, you,”, said the fifth Doctor with gentle satisfaction now that he knew what his other selves were what Alandra was on about. “Yes, us”, said the second Doctor.
Now the sixth Doctor was waking. He had blondish-red hair and quite a stern looking face, he wore a pale blue coloured shirt held up by suspenders and a coat with multi coloured patchwork. “Now just where the hell am……” the sixth Doctor was cut off, “oh shut up, I’ll explain in a minute”, said Alandra, the sixth Doctor was about to argue back but just frowned and stayed quiet.
Finally, the seventh Doctor was waking up. He had blank brown eyes and blackish-brown hair. He wore a V-neck jumper covered with question marks topped with a dark green overcoat, wrapped around the back of his neck was a flimsy looking silk scarf.
“Before you ask, I will tell you where you are and why you are here in a minute”, said Alandra, “I wasn’t going to ask, I was going to wait for you to explain, but there is no need to be so rude”, said the seventh Doctor with a frown.

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