December 8, 2006, 3:24 PM
Pex Lives
Join Date: October 2006
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Age: 33
Posts: 392
The Christmas Invasion
The Opening Theme
What: The Doctor Who Theme of course! This is the same as the Series 2 arrangement but with a bizarre "Double-Scream".
Where It Is Used: The Christmas Invasion/Series Two
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
Earth Cutaway
What: The same as the opening cue from Rose, only with slightly more instrumentation and no sound effects.
Where It Is Used: The opening zoom to Earth.
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
Memories Of Rose
What: This cue incorporates part of The Doctors Theme into the melody.
Where It Is Used: When Jackie is looking at Roses' Christmas presents.
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
The Doctor Arrives
What: Also known as Bumpy Landing.
Where It Is Used: At the start of TCI, when the TARDIS crash lands.
Where It Can Be Found:
The version from the CIN Concert
Broadcast Version
Vortex Energy
What: A variation on the Bad Wolf/The Doctors Theme cue.
Where It Is Used: In TCI, when the Doctor breathes out Vortex Energy
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
Attacked By A Brass Band
What: An action cue including some slight elements of "New Adventures"
Where It Is Used: When the Pilot Fish attack Rose and Mickey
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
Jackie And The Doctor
What: A short cue containing elements of The Doctors Theme before returning to the main melody used in "Attacked By A Brass Band".
Where It Is Used: When Jackie is asleep at the Doctors bedside
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
What Do You Need?
What: A cue containing elements of the Sycorax theme and the Doctors theme.
Where It Is Used: The scene outside the Tyler flat when the Doctor releases more Vortex Energy
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
Straight From Mars On Christmas Morning
Where It Is Used: The scene when we first see the Sycorax aliens.
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
UNIT Theme
What: The theme used for UNIT.
Where It Is Used: Many UNIT-related scenes throughout TCI.
Where It Can Be Found:
A truncated version is available on the soundtrack.
The full broadcast version with some sound effects can be found here
The version performed at the CIN concert can be found here
Song For Ten
What: The song written for the Tenth Doctor
Where It Is Used: In it's full form in TCI, instrumentally throughout Series Two
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
CIN Concert Version
The Closing Theme
What: The Doctor Who Theme of course! Extended to include Next Time trailer (Thanks to Danny for editing this together)
Where It Is Used: The Christmas Invasion
Where It Can Be Found:
Broadcast Version
Last edited by MI7; December 8, 2006 at 3:35 PM