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Old March 27, 2007, 12:44 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 35
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Originally Posted by The Moonlit Door View Post
That's amazing, it does make a massive difference doesn't it? A lot more moody and interesting. Thanks very much for that Danny. This was my music watching the show as a kid, so I've also got the benefit of nostalgia when I hear it.
I understand. Keff has a lot going on in his theme, much of which sounds cool. Sadly, it's the main instruments (bass and lead) that let it down, not its backing.

Originally Posted by The Moonlit Door View Post
To hear Dominic Glynn's own comments about the theme is wonderful. Reading what his brief and timescale was, it was a phenomenal job under the circumstances. It always bugs me with the Big Finish audios actually that they use his extended version of the theme and not the one used on TV, which I like better. It has more punch in the bassline and the first few notes follow a different pattern, making it more dramatic. They do the same with Peter Howell's theme as well — the sting at the beginning is from his extended version and is less stark.
You're absolutely right, and that's always bothered me about the Big Finish releases as well. However I was curious about it, so this was another thing I asked Dominic Glynn about, at least as far as his own theme goes. He said:

Originally Posted by Dominic Glynn
Probably because they had a copy of the full length versions and I didn't supply them with my copies of the TV versions
As you may or may not know, the Dominic Glynn opening and closing themes have sadly never been commercially released in any capacity, even though all the other themes (including various opening and closing edits) have surfaced over the years. I asked him about that too, and he said:

Originally Posted by Dominic Glynn
Don't ask me why they weren't made available - ask the BBC!! I hope they will be available soon. Moves are afoot to put together some releases of old Dr Who music which hopefully will include them
However, I am fortunate enough to have heard Dom's original recordings of the full opening and closing themes. They sound truly astounding -- much better than anything that was ever heard on TV. Dom has requested that I keep to myself on this, but take my word for it -- his themes are much better than the televised broadcasts (or even VHS releases) would indicate!

Last edited by Danny Stewart; April 15, 2007 at 12:18 AM