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Old April 15, 2007, 7:57 PM
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Chris Britton (Offline)
"My turn."
Join Date: June 2004
Location: England
Age: 36
Posts: 2,966
I agree with both Danny and Ross here, RTD does take too much of it into his own hands, and there has been a dip in the quality of his episodes, his two parters i really enjoy, and i see no reason why he can't keep doing those, as he has more space allowed, but i reckon for all single episodes should be given to other people, he needs to try and relinquish some of his power, he knows how to take the series forward, no question, but it's the way he moves it forward.
Chris Britton
" As in, "RTD: Blargh" rather than "Blargh: RTD." Unless of course you're quoting Blargh about RTD." - Danny Stewart