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Old April 15, 2007, 8:12 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 36
Posts: 5,252
I agree with you. Look at how many episodes RTD has written -- it's really quite unfair to other writers.

2005 - 9 by RTD, 5 by other writers
2006 - 6 by RTD, 7 by other writers
2007 - 6 by RTD, 7 by other writers

That's a grand total of 21 Doctor Who episodes by RTD, and 19 by other authors. Russell T Davies is just one man who has written over 50% of the entire new series so far. Think about the fact that "other writers" includes well over half a dozen different writers. That means that Russell T Davies has written around 55% of the series, whereas each other writer has written only around 6% or 7%. That's just wrong, in my view.