I'm pleased to announce the completion of a new mix in the Fool's Gold series. I've done a brand new closing version of the theme, except this time it's Fool's Gold by name only, as it was started completely from scratch and did not use my existing Fool's Gold project as a basis (or even any elements from it).
I'm also very pleased to say that the mix was created entirely using Logic Express 7 on my Mac. This marks the first of what I hope to be many successful mixes that I make on a Mac.
I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that I made it using Logic or not, but I'm extremely proud of how this mix sounds overall... it has a fullness to it that took me months to capture with the original Fool's Gold on my PC, whereas I finished this entire mix in only two days. Maybe I've just gotten better at throwing together a mix, or maybe Logic really does make that big of a difference. Either way, I'm very happy with this mix, and with Logic!
Anyway, download the mix here:
For those of you who want it in FLAC, it is available here:
I hope you like it! Comments are welcome.