Murray Gold or Keff McCulloch?
Check out this YouTube poster's rescoring of scenes from New Series episodes, using Keff McCulloch's music...
Some people complain about the music in the new series of Doctor Who, composed by Murray Gold. Here is proof that it could have been a LOT worse - the music has been replaced by original 1980's Who music by composer Keff McCulloch. Yes - this rubbish was actually used on the show!
I really must get around to reading my own scripts, one of these days... - Russell T. Davies, Doctor Who Magazine, June 2009
"Avon Calling."  "Nice Try."
Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands
Altered by Recurring Villain
Good, but replace the third line with something like "but I'm on hand to save the day" so that blah de blah wibble dobble lexicon gibberish.