Originally Posted by Ross Hendrie
As for CoD4, I was generally very impressed however there were a few things that I spotted easily and so should the developers. For a start, the labelling of some of the SAS soldiers was incorrect. The lowest rank in the SAS is "Trooper", not "Private". This shows a rather chronic lack of effort.
I always thought it was odd that it seemed like they couldn't find a British pilot to fly their helicopter or the AC-130.
Originally Posted by Ross Hendrie
Also, there were too many Americanisms in the British soldiers' speech. Referring to torches as "flashlights" was one obvious example.
I'm happy that they managed to avoid making the SAS stereotypical, so a few wrong terms is hardly something to complain about.
Originally Posted by Ross Hendrie
Also, believe it or not, I noticed a problem with the USMC speech. At several points they do that "hooa" thing that Americans do, however that is strictly a US Army thing as far as I know.
Hooa is used everywhere in the US Military, whereas oorah is specific to the USMC.
Originally Posted by Ross Hendrie
Beyond these little tiny problems, it is a collosal game that is miles ahead of MoH which seems to be going backwards rather than forwards.
Which is ironic, because MoH was supposed to be the game that 'saved' the series.