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Old April 20, 2008, 11:41 AM
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James P. (Offline)
Uh oh!
Join Date: April 2008
Posts: 172
Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
In all honesty, aside from the names you've chosen (which are pretty bad), this wouldn't seem too out of place on the new series. See if you can come up with some better names and flesh it out a bit further. Also, your name for episode one is not only ridiculous, but it's way too long. Try just "The Roaring Twenties."

One man's "retarded" is another man's genius. I actually thought his post was hilarious. That Waaaaambulance image was among the best he's ever posted.
No, this other one I thought up was way too long:
The Return of the Devil Goblins From Neptune
Waaaaaaaaaay too long.

The Shadow Merger was actually two different serials I thought up that became one, like a lot of my serials. They were The Merging and Shadow Element. I try to make my names sound alien. Kelvehee sounded pretty alien (or Indian) to me.

Alternate Titles:
The Game
Never Trust Your Shadow
Extinction Event
The Doctor's Doppelganger
Last of the Hpi
In the Shadows
A Monster Among Us

Some of my other serials:
Attack of the Daleks
Nightmare Warp
Realm of the Cybermen
Planet of the Drashigs
Target: Zygon
Terror of the Antarctic
The Amazing Dream Heist (Aka The Kurramatis; Aka The Irish Horror)
Ancient Stowaway
The Mystery of the Maverick 10
Monster Hunt
The Scorched Planet (leads into following serial)
Vacation, All I Never Wanted
Sands in Time
The Ghost Mosaic (Aka Terror on Glacios)
Wrath of the Ghostwriter
The Fatality That is Death
Caught in the Middle
Clash of the Vogons
Time and the Zogons
Onslaught of the Titans
Mindmaze (Aka The Maze)
The Wirrn Experiment
The Catacombs of Yemu
The Evasion of Death
And many, MANY more!
Dear DSF Members,

Due to the fact all of you except Keff McCulloch, Danny Stewart, Recurring Villain, and a few others don't know how to be nice, I am leaving. The only reason I've stayed as long as I have is Danny's great mixes. As soon as I can, you will be reported to THE FBI.

Have a nice day,
James P. Quick

Last edited by James P.; April 20, 2008 at 11:49 AM
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