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Old April 23, 2008, 6:36 PM
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James P. (Offline)
Uh oh!
Join Date: April 2008
Posts: 172
Originally Posted by Jez View Post
Correct. If you want to look at them, check "Forum Fun", "OT Posts" (thread should be locked).

I'm getting bored of every thread turning into an OT flame war and request all members to try and have at least some level of control over the content of their posts. It would also be nice for some members to be more civilised to others, lest they kill this place.

Now back on topic (omg ):

Quite an interesting concept but I agree with Danny that it does need more substance, simply to allow it to cover three episodes if anything (although that would on the episode length)!

Kelvehee sounds a bit Elder Scrolls-ish but it works for me; Moira definately needs a new name though.
Well, I'm sick of threads going that way, too. I seem to be seeing that it's usually RV that starts everything.

Moira is the official name of the companion. I cannot change it, write in a new one, anything. It grows on you after a while.

That's just an estimate, I never know how long my stories are. Ever. Maybe because I get bored after the 2nd paragraph or I don't like it. I thought of a new one recently, The X-Nirra Treaty.

More on that one later.

Thanks for the nice words.
Dear DSF Members,

Due to the fact all of you except Keff McCulloch, Danny Stewart, Recurring Villain, and a few others don't know how to be nice, I am leaving. The only reason I've stayed as long as I have is Danny's great mixes. As soon as I can, you will be reported to THE FBI.

Have a nice day,
James P. Quick
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