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Old May 9, 2008, 9:41 PM
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Superkid11 (Offline)
Join Date: August 2006
Location: Florida, USA
Age: 33
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I enjoyed it, 8/10. I loved the ending personally, The Ood are free and there's a possibility they'll become an ally of humanity(if they're forgiving enough, which it seems they are... when they're not all red-eye and stuff).

At fist I was disappointed that jerk in charge wasn't just killed off. If I was in Donna's place I would have torn his ass to shreds. (well... I would have TRIED anyway. Being ever the pacifist The Doctor would've probably stopped me...) But now I understand the Ood's angle-- it wasn't mercy. He'll be forced to live with the consequences of his actions, not just let it end.
Even if the punishment was a little ridiculous.

Another thing I didn't like... well, you know, yes humans are douchebags now, but seriously, how in the living hell can we, after advancing that much, still condone such idiocy? Seriously. I honestly don't believe we'll even LOOK quite the same after that much time passes, let alone have that same awful side to us. I'm afraid I don't go for the whole "message of humanity's horrible nature" thing. It just doesn't make sense in this context. More to the point, why weren't there any rejections from the other races? Are they so afraid of this human "empire" that they keep quiet? That's why I liked the ending-- truth gets out and humanity gladly gives the Ood their freedom back. Really it was just one man standing in the way of that. I guess I take most of that back then... I suppose there's bound to be SOME douches at any point in time. It's just going to be the minority.

But that aside, it was still a good episode. I clicked 8/10 but really a 7/10 from me.