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Old May 10, 2008, 2:31 PM
Jamie Minty's Avatar
Jamie Minty (Offline)
Why?? So?? Serious??
Join Date: October 2007
Location: England
Age: 32
Posts: 370
Well an interesting episode.

It felt different to other episodes at first. Don't know why.

Loved Martha in this and the Hath were great its good seeing good monsters. Martha's relationship with the HAth was really great too.

The last scenes with the Doctor and Jenny were great.

"The man who wouldn't" was great.

Love that Jenny survived. Could she be the hand at the end of LOTTL?

I hope we see her a few more times and see her character progress if she is to eventually turn evil though. Thats what was missing with Jack's brother Gray in TW. We didn't see the making of Gray.

Shame we didn't get any nice shots of messaline and the explosion at the start looked better shot in Confidential than in the actual thing.

And in Confidential it was revealed originally the Hath could talk. Would have rather seen them struggle to talk than not talk at all. It seemed Martha understood the Hath too easily.