Thread: Audio Questions
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Old May 14, 2008, 2:20 AM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
Danny uses his MBP's inbuilt microphone...
'Tis true, I do, although obviously I didn't use it for that Dalek voice mail message as it was a good two years before I got my MBP. For that I believe I used some cheap crappy headset mic. A proper mic is just one of those things it would be nice for me to get at some point but I just couldn't justify the expense as there's just not enough I would use it for. Especially now, seeing as my MBP's mic is good enough for almost everything.

Originally Posted by Larren View Post
Oh, last but not least.. Danny, or anyone else with experience, what are your tips for Dalek voices? Danny's phone message inspired me to try doing that again.

Using a ring modulator, in different programs manages to get.. decent results. Using a sine wave at frequency of 30.. but it just doesn't sound 'right'. Doing the best delivery I can, but it seems.. lacking in sound.

Cybermen are much easier to get closer to for some reason, using a sine wave at around 250-260.

Using HOG as a stand alone ring modulator, but I've also been trying in GoldWave.

Maybe I need to step up to some better editing suite, that works with Windows?

Ugh, I feel bad for posting all these threads asking for advice lately, I shall try and stop.
The best advice I can give is to run it through some distortion first. I used to use either Audition or Sound Forge to do my Dalek voices back when I was on Windows, and the first thing I did was always some mild distortion to give it more character and bite. Then run the result through the ring modulator. Obviously these days I'm using Logic to do my Dalek voices, and I'm quite happy with the settings I'm using now. Here are screenshots of the two plugins I use to achieve my current Dalek voices, as well as a corresponding file to give you some idea of what they sound like.

- Distortion plugin

- Ringshifter plugin

The sound file contains both the original unprocessed recording, followed by the processed version with the Dalek voice effect. I encourage you to use the dry one when experimenting with your own effect. No one quite delivers Dalek lines like Roy Skelton!
Attached Files
File Type: mp3 dalektest.mp3 (427.7 KB, 9 views)
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