Originally Posted by MI7
There's no real peril here. We've been shown that ER woman has a sonic blaster for cutting through walls merely seconds earlier ffs.
I called it

Seriously though barring the pathetic cliffhanger resolution I really enjoyed this week.
In fact, it was gearing up to be a 10/10 until....oh shit, kids. That ending. WTF was he thinking. The story was beautiful and tragic, and reached a natural end on that shot of the book and the screwdriver.
But no that's not good enough. Cos this is Doctor Who and no one can die. Ever. Apparently. It really felt horribly tacked on and stupidly epic with that daft scene of him jumping down the elevator for no reason whatsoever...and apparently, living out your life completely obliviously in a fake world is better than death. Hmm.
Still, I didn't let the awful ending ruin what was an amazing episode to me. At least stuff happened this time, and for once we had a Steven Moffat that was
actually multilayered and deep instead of just giving the impression of being that way so that fanboys could watch it and feel oh so smart cos they could understand all the deep bits of it (in pretty much the words of Moffat himself).
Also I really enjoyed Murray's music this week. There was only one blip where he totally lost it in a crazy cacophony (the missing kids scene, I'm looking at you). But plus 1 million points for bringing back All The Strange Strange Creatures and, of course, the original Doctor's Theme. Why he switched that beauty for that overblown piece of crap that is The Doctor Forever I will never know.