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Old June 7, 2008, 4:16 PM
Jamie Minty's Avatar
Jamie Minty (Offline)
Why?? So?? Serious??
Join Date: October 2007
Location: England
Age: 32
Posts: 370
At the moment I think thats the best story ever (may change my mind later)

I loved the Doctor in this episode. Not necessarily the way he was acted but the way he was scripted.

The story was quite complex but it all ted together at the end. But just as with SITL Moffat left a few unanswered questions (not as much as SITL). And even tough the fact we may never know the answers annoys me its also quite good as its intriguing.

Loved Murray's music! Hoped the last scene could have been the Doctor getting a new suit and haircut and taking River on the last date