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Old June 22, 2008, 1:08 PM
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Megan (Offline)
When I say run, run.
Join Date: June 2008
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Posts: 38
Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
I'm starting to think Danny has the Maryland phonebook open on his desk, and is calling each person in turn and asking them to come here and vote -2...
You're almost right: we all watched the episode together, bonded over our loss of brain-cells, and then I actually made an account for the purpose of voting -2.

Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
It's Megan's fault that the scale goes down to -2. I was only going to do -1.
Oh you know you agree with me. Somehow it managed to be more pointless and stupid than Voyage of the Damned (unfortunately the Christmas portion of this episode lacked the genius that is Murray's THE STOWAWAY ).

And yeah...maybe the whole It's A Wonderful Life meets Doctor Who thing works for some people, but not for me. Wow! The Doctor is gone! Look at all of the awful things that have happened without him! Oh noes!! It's okay. There's a reset button for that. Just forget this episode ever happened. Well obviously things would be terrible without the Doctor! If things were fine and dandy without him there would be no point to the show! >.<