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Old June 22, 2008, 2:12 PM
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Ronnie Rowlands (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Kody View Post
It's not a boring "RTD must die" tirade, many of us really hated this episode and have a long list of reasons why, that, therefore, is why we want him to die.
Well I haven't seen any, all I've seen is pretty much 'it's shit because RTD wrote it," and then the usual GTFO stuff. And, Kody, if you're admitting you have liked his episodes, but say this is weak, why are you suddenly all for getting rid of him? Should we get rid of all writers who write a bad episode once in a while?

I'm sorry, but I simply cannot see a picture of Patrick Stewart giving someone the finger as a reason why someone dislikes an episode.
Dost thou expect me, thy monarch, to dine on such meagre portions thus 'ere?!

Last edited by Ronnie Rowlands; June 22, 2008 at 2:15 PM