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Old June 23, 2008, 9:47 AM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
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Originally Posted by Megan View Post
You're almost right: we all watched the episode together, bonded over our loss of brain-cells, and then I actually made an account for the purpose of voting -2.
Your support is appreciated.

Originally Posted by Megan View Post
Oh you know you agree with me. Somehow it managed to be more pointless and stupid than Voyage of the Damned (unfortunately the Christmas portion of this episode lacked the genius that is Murray's THE STOWAWAY ).
Oh, I certainly agree with you. I was just worried that pushing the scale even lower than -1 would draw some criticism. But whatevs... it totally deserves the score it got, so I really don't care.

And yeah, The Stowaway would have totally made this episode.

Originally Posted by Megan View Post
And yeah...maybe the whole It's A Wonderful Life meets Doctor Who thing works for some people, but not for me. Wow! The Doctor is gone! Look at all of the awful things that have happened without him! Oh noes!! It's okay. There's a reset button for that. Just forget this episode ever happened. Well obviously things would be terrible without the Doctor! If things were fine and dandy without him there would be no point to the show! >.<
Very well said.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands View Post
Oh yes, I'm with Danny and Kody re the regeneration, it was somewhat hasty, a bit like the explanation for the planet vanishing in PiC. But then again, it's not really an explanation, it's just a wild guess that a soldier made, so nobody really knew. You're right though, the real reason would have been nice to see.
It's still laziness on the part of RTD. And as I said above, the Time Lord regenerative process is extremely flexible. There would have had to have been a damned good reason for him not to regenerate, and I sincerely doubt that there was one. It was a fairly ordinary situation, really.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands View Post
You were wrong, Ross.
No he wasn't, he was bang on.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands View Post
I don't watch SJA. But wasn't the Trickster a character played by Lee Cornes in 'Kinda'? Are they the same character?
I don't think so... and if so, then no they're not.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowlands View Post
She may very well have been how you described her when we last saw her, but don't forget that she's been in a different universe for two years now. She has had time to educate herself. Surely having those experiences has matured her a lot, especially when she was put in situations where lives were in her hands. Maybe, Kody, you didn't like how much mysterious she had become, but that's your opinion and I respect that. Personally, I like it a lot, and she sure is better as someone clever than as a piece of eye candy, what people like about her appearance so much I have no idea!

You saw how she was in the Series 1 finale when the Doctor left her, she realized how little she actually had once he had gone, so maybe being forced to accept that he was gone showed her how she'd taken life for granted. I fear I may be getting a bit fanciful here though, so I'll just point that anyone who travels with an alien and sees the universe is bound to come out more intelligent. Except maybe for Mel Bush.
You're kind of missing his point. He's saying that RTD tried to make her extremely intelligent, but then she was unable to grasp such simple concepts as an object being in a state of flux, and laughing at them because "oh look, I sound like the Doctor, tee hee!" I also hated how RTD was trying to turn Rose into another Doctor character. Not revealing her name, for starters, as well as many of her lines and mannerisms would have fit right in coming from David Tennant. Frankly, I find that offensive. Rose is nothing special. Turning her into a human version of the Doctor is insulting.