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Old June 30, 2008, 10:59 AM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by MI7 View Post
Just so you guys know, The Stolen Earth recevied an AI rating of 91 with a viewing figure of 7.4 million and currently has a 5/5 rating of 77.3% on

And so is officially the highest rated Doctor Who episode, ever. By a long margin .
Way to ruin my post's impact with your shitty little post afterwards.

And by the way, as I've said a thousand times before about audience appreciation and rating -- I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK, AND IT WILL NEVER MAKE UP FOR HORRIBLE WRITING. You go take comfort in those figures if you wish. Don't ram them down our fucking throats.