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Old June 30, 2008, 12:49 PM
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MI7 (Offline)
Pex Lives
Join Date: October 2006
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Age: 33
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Originally Posted by Danny Stewart View Post
Way to ruin my post's impact with your shitty little post afterwards.

And by the way, as I've said a thousand times before about audience appreciation and rating -- I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK, AND IT WILL NEVER MAKE UP FOR HORRIBLE WRITING. You go take comfort in those figures if you wish. Don't ram them down our fucking throats.
Oh I don't have to take comfort in the figures. I take comfort in not actually being wrong . You, however, apparently do have to take comfort in figures. I see little other reason in you getting your friends to come here and rate down Turn Left.

You already have 26 years of generally overrated, badly produced, written and acted "drama" to watch (I do find it hilarious that you, lover of the 'classic' series feel you have the right to cite the special effectsin The Stolen Earth as grounds for the episode being shit, for christs sake), so please feel free go and watch that instead. If you're just going to sit and write endless posts criticising something that (again with the figures) the vast majority of people found to be not just good quality, but exceptional quality, then just don't watch the damn show instead of 'ramming' your own opinion down 'our fucking throats'.

And no, I'm not sorry if you find this overly aggressive. The post I'm replying to was spiteful and downright fucking rude.