Originally Posted by MI7
Rude post
The way you continue to address a program that we happen to love, along with waving viewing figures around like they are the base line to tell if we should enjoy something, is what I'd call 'downright fucking rude'.
I personally don't give a shit what the AI is or the viewing figures are, I care more if myself and my friends had enjoyable time watching it.
Let us have some deconstructing fun.
Originally Posted by MI7
Oh I don't have to take comfort in the figures. I take comfort in not actually being wrong  . You, however, apparently do have to take comfort in figures. I see little other reason in you getting your friends to come here and rate down Turn Left.
1. Except you are wrong. This is program is something that people judge on a personal opinion, the viewing figures give you no right to act all high and mighty.
2. Yet another insult towards those of us that disliked Turn Left, even though we provided long thought out reviews and reasons we didn't like it. Yet your treating us like a little group of morons. Thanks.
3. Oh and WTF over mentioning what we rated Turn Left as well. Maybe we came here and rated the episode because there's a rating system in the discussion thread we dared to utilize?
Originally Posted by MI7
You already have 26 years of generally overrated, badly produced, written and acted "drama" to watch (I do find it hilarious that you, lover of the 'classic' series feel you have the right to cite the special effectsin The Stolen Earth as grounds for the episode being shit, for christs sake), so please feel free go and watch that instead. If you're just going to sit and write endless posts criticising something that (again with the figures) the vast majority of people found to be not just good quality, but exceptional quality, then just don't watch the damn show instead of 'ramming' your own opinion down 'our fucking throats'.
1. Thanks for insulting a program we love so much. I'm sure you're just doing that because you want to try and get under peoples skin.
2. As for the quality of the FX, yes, the old series had low end FX. We are in 2008 now and FX that surpass the quality that are in Stolen Earth are EASILY done by such an impressive group as the Mill.
It's not wrong to point out they could have done way better. The effects were very lacking.
3. Danny, or anyone here isn't 'ramming' any opinion down anyones throat. We're saying what
WE thought about the program, not saying anyone else has to. Get it right.
Originally Posted by MI7
Just so you guys know, The Stolen Earth recevied an AI rating of 91 with a viewing figure of 7.4 million and currently has a 5/5 rating of 77.3% on DoctorWhoForum.com.
And so is officially the highest rated Doctor Who episode, ever. By a long margin  .
It got a AI of 91 because everyone loved the epic-ness and how everyone you could think of from Who was in there. *shrug* It's a known fact that general audiences want more EPIC-NESS and stuff like that in their TV and Movies now. Whatever.
Calling it the 'officially the highest rated Doctor Who episode, ever. By a long margin.

' - Is another weak flame/bait attempt in my eyes. Do you have rating figures for all the old episodes and all that? This episode doesn't hold a candle to some of the classics.
In summary, stop lashing out and spazzing without a coherent argument and settle down. You're a moderator here?