Originally Posted by Marinedalek
In a break from form, I'm rating this in "the grand scheme of all Doctor Who" rather than on a per-series basis, so it's got a 6 for "good".
Well, I wasn't even going to post anything in this thread because I thought this episode was so bad it wasn't even worth discussing, but here we go:
As much as I would like to make generalized statements about how terrible it is in the context of both the Old Series and the New Series, I don't have the liberty to do that. However, I would be quite perturbed to discover that in the "grand scheme of all Doctor Who", fans considered this to be "good." I would be quite frightened to know what a "bad" episode qualified as. I mean, this episode inflicted enough irreversible brain damage as is. If this is good I'm surprised Danny isn't a vegetable by now.
Originally Posted by Marinedalek
Probably the only way the RTD era could have been wrapped up suitably with the minimal of plotting outrage among fans.
Things that were TOTALLY necessary to wrapping up the series:
1. Shocking cliffhanger that gets resolved in a record 22 seconds!
2. Two Doctors! One so that Rose can be happy, the other so that we can continue on with the show.
3. German Daleks that can't actually speak German correctly!
4. TARDIS = giant tow-truck for Earth
5. Rose's mum (hell, even the Doctor acknowledged how useless she is at the end of the episode when he told her not to touch anything)
6. Doctor Donna! lolz!
All of the major plot points of the episode just seemed to be one giant fanwank. I'm sure all the fangirls were squealing when they got to see their precious Rose kiss the now part-human Doctor (OMG NOW THEY CAN B TOGETHUR FoReVeR!!!). But was it important to the plot at all? No. I'm pretty sure RTD could've written the episode without the unnecessary regeneration scene--which by the way accomplished nothing in the 22 seconds in which it occurred except to confuse the hell out of everyone. And were his explanations any good? No. Using big science-y words like "neutrino" does not qualify as a valid explanation (does he even know what the fuck those are?).
In short, the episode was melodramatic and so utterly meaningless in the course of the entire series that Donna was able to feasibly wake up, receive a text message from a friend about the sky being filled with planets, call her friend and tell her she was being silly, and then go on to have a normal gossipy conversation. The New Series hasn't been all that great, but this is definitely its lowest point, and by definition, that would make it probably one of the worst if not the worst episode ever.
Originally Posted by Mister_Wilbur
Side effects for "Journey's End" may include:
- Sinus Irritation
- Bleeding from the Nose
- Tinnitus
- Detached Retinas
- Mild Semi-Permanent Psychosis
- Seizures lasting up to four hours
- Sudden Craving for the Blood of nine million Babies
- Bleeding from multiple orifices
- Stomach Ulcers
- Kidney Failure
- Terminal Brain Malfunction
- Persistent Vegetative State
- Spontaneous Combustion
- and Death