Originally Posted by Mister_Wilbur
Sorry for taking so long to respond. Thanks very much.
Originally Posted by Mister_Wilbur
Ah, *ahem* anyway... will there be an extended remix of the 2c version?
Since you asked, sure thing.
I'd like to make an extended theme master at some point, which will be very difficult because I don't have all the original materials to work with. Dom sent me his original 8-track, but it only contains the opening and closing themes (as well as two unused demo themes he'd forgotten about).
The way he explained it to me, that's because he went back and did the extended version several months later, borrowing the facilities of a professional production studio to do so. He used some of the tracks from his opening and closing themes, with the notable exception of the bassline. He recorded a new bassline for the extended theme, which he apparently no longer has readily available.
That means when I do the extended master, I'll have to either splice the opening and closing basslines together and make them sound coherent (which will be no small feat considering how different they sound from each other), or perhaps synthesize a new bassline myself and use that. I do own a Roland Juno-6, which is the synth Dom used to make the bassline originally, so it's possible I could get it quite close. We'll see.
EDIT: Shit... it just dawned on me that Dom used the studio's Prophet 5 to record new sound effects for his extended theme. That means he may also have used it to record the new bassline, in which case I won't be able to recreate it as perfectly as I'd hoped. I suppose I could do an opening- or closing-style bassline instead... he used the Juno for those...