Thread: Twitter
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Old November 27, 2008, 10:53 PM
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Danny Stewart (Offline)
Join Date: December 2002
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Originally Posted by Recurring Villain View Post
9:34 9/5/2009: Going to bathroom.

9:36 9/5/2009: Taking a piss.

9:36 9/5/2009: Still pissing.

9:37 9/5/2009: Oh man I made a mess time to bolt.

Yeah. Twitter is the dumbest thing I've ever seen (well, there are dumber things, but for the sake of the argument, let's pretend it is for now). Why do you have to tell people every little thing about yourself? More to the point, why do you think they care? They don't.

Seriously. I don't get it.
At the moment it's simply a fun new toy. I'm going to see if I can find a serious use for it, and that means getting people involved. If it's as useless as I suspect it will turn out to be, I'll abandon it. In the meantime, there's time to explore.
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